Code Of Conduct

1. A student should affix their photograph to the school uniform and write the required information duly signed by a parent, in the spaces provided, in the almanac.

2. Every student must wear an identity card of the school.

3. Non-Sikh boys should get their hair cut at regular intervals. Sikh boys must wear bottle green coloured turbans in Classes VIII and above. A bottle of green coloured patka may be worn only while playing games.

4. Students are expected to respect all property; this includes respect for school property. Anyone who notices something damaged should report the matter to the school authorities even if they do not know who is responsible.

5. "GREEN DPS CLEAN DPS"- Students are advised to keep their classroom, school building, campus and the school bus as clean as possible and throw leftovers into the dustbins only.

6. No student should indulge in any of the following practices, namely:

A Writing anything on the shirts or uniform.

B Spitting in or near the school building.

C Rowdyism and rude behaviour.

D Use of violence in any form.

F Bursting crackers or throwing colour on one another/painting faces within the school premises,

G Smoking, drinking alcohol or other aerated drinks, consuming drugs, etc.

7. No student is permitted to get a mobile phone to the school. Use of mobile phones in any form is prohibited within the school campus.

8. Energy Conservation- Students should never leave the classroom without switching off lights and fans.

9. Polythene Free Zone- Students should never use polybags or polythenes. Instead, cloth bags or paper bags must be used.

10. Students should never pluck flowers from the school garden.